Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Right Time !

My Dear Souls, 

We always think that this may not be the right time to start !
Well it happens with all of us as a default action of us.

BUT , ever you thought as when will the right time come ?
NEVER , if we do not use the present moment to understand and apply it to our journey of life !

YES , our journey is lifetime journey till our last breath and many of us will spend their time in waiting for the right time !!! My dear souls every time is right time , every moment is right moment.

THIS IS IT !!! when you create your life moment .

Think .Adapt . Apply. Love . Live !!!
And here you go living your life with your dreams ! 

Believe me it is very simple to accept the very present moment and turn this into the best and vibrant moment of your life ! 

I am sure that you all will live this ! 
GOD bless you .
Much Love, Light, Hugs, Prayers and Blessings !

Always yours 

Friday, June 20, 2014

Living Life in the times of difficulties !!!

My Dear Souls, 
Namaste ! 

We all go through the bad times , the hard times , but we always try to come out of the situation ; because of a very simple reason - We want to live and we want to live in a better way which we can !!!!

Because in all the struggles of life , there is always a ray of HOPE which keeps us ticking and make us to strive for the better moments in our life.  

So what next ... read on .... make your life more blissful . nurture it with  the best of the gifts ,GOD has given !!!

So my dear souls, Rise and fight and win the life you are living !!!

GOD Bless you all. 
Much Love, Light, Hugs , Prayers and Blessings ! 
Always yours 