Tuesday, November 23, 2010


While growing, we should be humble to everyone, we meet. 

We should be humble to the mother earth for its resources. We should be humble to rivers, lakes. We should be humble to sun and moon and we should be humble to fellow citizens, we should be humble to every creation and creature on this earth. 

Than in a moment of bliss the GOD becomes humble to us and thus he showers his blessings on us. 

Remember the cycle of life. Whatever you give will comeback to you. So give love, happiness, joy, freedom, life, friendship and all those immaterial things which bring more happiness than materials in the mankind.



वन्दना महतो ! (Bandana Mahto) said...

Whatever you give will comeback to you. really nice thoughts of you.

Anonymous said...

Remember the cycle of life. Whatever you give will comeback to you. So give love, happiness, joy, freedom, life, friendship and all those immaterial things which bring more happiness than materials in the mankind.
What a great thought !!!!!!!!
This is the basic nature of NATURE.
If you look at the sun, plant life,rivers and so on . they only does giving-giving-giving.
if we do the same thing of giving, there are not miseries in any one's life.