Saturday, August 24, 2013

Dreams !!

My Dear Souls :

We all dream ! and dreaming is a wonderful experience .

We dream about many things , both materialistic and spiritual. many dream are related with our present karma . they are the dreams about making our life much better . Sometimes because GOD has got some other plans we don't get our dreams realise.

So what ?

Let me tell you all a great secret : Dreams does not have expiry date !
they are here forever ! With us ! and they are part of our own existence.

So just Don't stop and live fully to achieve your dreams !

Just take a deep breath , infuse some new energy into your dreams and than give it one try .


Believe me ! You will get your dreams realised some day !

Much Love, Light, Hugs and Blessings !



My Dear Souls ,

Namaste !

One of the most important lesson of life....!

Please please and please , never deprive someone of hope , because you never know it might be the only asset he/she is having.

help others.
motivate others.
live with and for others !

The true betterment of self will happen only than ! !!!

much love, light, hugs, blessings !

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


My Dear Souls;

GOD is one .

and here are some numbers :

world population : more than 7,021,836,029
world's major religions : more than 15
world's sub religions : more than 300
world's number of major languages : more than 100

BUT interestingly , even , each one of us prays in his/her languages , and sometimes [ most of the times indeed ] there is only silence . GOD understands the Prayer [ in any language and in no language at all ]

So , just forget everything and simply PRAY . It works !
GOD is there !

GOD bless you all
Much Love, Light, Hugs and Blessings !


Tuesday, August 20, 2013


My Dear Soul ;

Namaste !

Today I am in different mood. This is a mixed mood !  In fact yesterday Night I was thinking a world without war,crime, and all other bad things !

I was imagining a world full of humanity .

I was also thinking when I started Hrudayam commune with a dream in eyes. I think today it is more than 5 years , I am living with Hrudayam !

Many thoughts were shared , lived and they made an impact on many lives who are associated with Hrudayam. And I mean that my posts , my views , my ideas changed some mindsets for the betterment of their lives. An all this makes me happy as I see Hrudayam a big family . Let's share Happiness , peace, Love and friendship !

Lets live and make others live !

I think John Lenon's song " imagine " fulfills my dream !  here it is !

magine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace

You, you may say
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world

You, you may say
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will live as one

and what else than this video of Emmanuel can share my dreams !

GOD Bless you all.

Much Love, Light,Hugs, Blessings !
always yours , in your Hrudayam [ heart ]


Thursday, August 15, 2013


My Dear Friends ;


Gandhi said ," be the change you want to see in this world"  and herewe are here to bring the change .

BUT , The first action starts from self.

Lets work for the community development . lets focus on small issues in and around us. lets try to bring solidarity and peace among our fellow people.

I suggest , get associated with a genuine NGO around you and start GIVING BACK TO SOCIETY .

I also suggests the following :

For example we can arrange bi-weekly mobile medical trips to nearby villages , she can with the help of her medical fraternity friends arrange such trips, the pharmacy companies can give free medicine if demanded and thus one or two doctors can go on a routine free medical checkup of the old people, kids, woman in those place. similar acts can also be followed at other location of the members of this group.

start visiting the orphanages , old ages places and other places. give them love, time,and whatever you can.

make a routine of adding such visits to your plans . encourage your children to be the part of this humble service. for example , today my daughter is going to spend half day with the kids of a local orphanage. she and her friends will celebrate the independence day  there  !

What I am trying to say here is that GIVE BACK to Society either in cash, kind or humble service.

Thanks and warm regards to one and all.
Much love, Light , hugs and Blessings

Vijay Sappatti

Saturday, August 10, 2013


My Dear Souls ;

Namaskar !

It happens to all of us . We get moved /motivated/ruined /guided by others.

These 'others' merely play any important role in our lives [ and even if they play an important role in our lives ] ; we shouldn't allow them to control our lives. Their suggestion may be welcomed but that's it.

Put a full stop.


In-fact , if I have liked you here to be my soul friend, it is because of YOU . Your own identity . [ I hardly see anyone's profile , i just go by your words and those words gives me the essence of YOU ]

So if you are controlled by someone else's thoughts and actions , its high time that you start living on your own terms of life.

After all it YOUR LIFE dear........! [ and very sadly you got only one life to live for ... :P ]

Live your life to the fullest .

BE helpful. Be Kind. Be supportive.

Let Love and friendship be your religion.

I am sure we all will enjoy a great time in heavens when we meet there because we all have lived a great life on our own .

Right dears. have a happy weekend and life.

GOD bless you.

Much Love, Light, Hugs and Blessings !


Always yours

Vijay Sappatti

Friday, August 2, 2013


My Dear Souls ; 

YES , it is only YOU , who could  make a difference in your LIFE. NO one can do this miracle. its only YOU. Believe in you. 
YOU are the creator of your world. 
Live blissfully . 

Nothing is impossible for YOU. 


Much Love, Light , hugs and Blessings 

Judgement ....!!

My Dear Souls ; 

Sometimes we need to give some time to think about ourselves. and than we should not be judgmental about anyone including  ourselves. we need to rethink again and again. 

after all we have got one life ... lets live it to the best !!!

Much Love, light, Hugs and Blessings !! 

