Saturday, August 10, 2013


My Dear Souls ;

Namaskar !

It happens to all of us . We get moved /motivated/ruined /guided by others.

These 'others' merely play any important role in our lives [ and even if they play an important role in our lives ] ; we shouldn't allow them to control our lives. Their suggestion may be welcomed but that's it.

Put a full stop.


In-fact , if I have liked you here to be my soul friend, it is because of YOU . Your own identity . [ I hardly see anyone's profile , i just go by your words and those words gives me the essence of YOU ]

So if you are controlled by someone else's thoughts and actions , its high time that you start living on your own terms of life.

After all it YOUR LIFE dear........! [ and very sadly you got only one life to live for ... :P ]

Live your life to the fullest .

BE helpful. Be Kind. Be supportive.

Let Love and friendship be your religion.

I am sure we all will enjoy a great time in heavens when we meet there because we all have lived a great life on our own .

Right dears. have a happy weekend and life.

GOD bless you.

Much Love, Light, Hugs and Blessings !


Always yours

Vijay Sappatti

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