Friday, July 20, 2012


And the homework of the week ...!

stop near a big tree. look at it. smile. and possible give some tears away. and than HUG the tree , the way you HUG your MOTHER or FATHER . and hold it tightly with all the love you have .and than whisper slowly. " Thank YOU for giving so much to MY Planet. I am my kids will remain indebted to you for all that you gave to me and my fellow travellors : the shadow, the fruits, the flowers , the pure air and everything like a good parent. THANK YOU DEAR "

Please do it ...!!!

Love Light and Hugs


1 comment:

P.N. Subramanian said...

Yes that is what exactly needs to be done. We are already suffering in many parts of the country for lack of green cover and despite all slogan mongering, there is no perceptible improvement. I recall, many years back, when I was having a hair cut, the barber drew my attention towards a person who was hugging a tree on the road side. I was told that he does this regularly and that he is mentally sick. This is the general perception.